On 21st, May,2011, the opening ceremony of the course for Master of Engineering cooperated by Wuhan University of Technology and Jiangsu Yixing Non Metal Chemical Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd. was held in the meeting room of the 3rd floor in our company. Deputy mayor for city of Yixing, Chairman of Mr. Du Sidan for Technology Townchief Group, Deputy director general of Mr.He Yong for Yixing Science & Technology Bureau, five professores from Wuhan University of Technology including secretary of the party committee of Mr. Jiang Yihong for the School of Materials and Deans of Mr. Cheng Xiaoming, Deputy town chief of Mr.He Yajun and Deputy Secretary of Mr.Zhangjian for the Town of Dingshu, Chairman and General Manager of Mr. Feng Jiadi for Jiangsu Yixing Non Metal Chemical Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd attended the ceremony.
This course for the Master of Engineering was started by Wuhan University of Technology and Jiangsu Yixing Non Metal Chemical Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd . The students consisted of 18 ceramic material engineers and technicians from Yixing Non Metal Chemical Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd. Teachers and professors were from Wuhan University of Technology. The whole curriculum was set up in accordance with the standard of Engineering Master for Wuhan University of Technology and the whole course run for two years.
Chairman and General Manager of Mr.Feng Jiadi declared that the goal of this course is to develop talents on ceramic material with the help of resources and advantages from Wuhan University of Technology , improve development and innovation capability for enterprise, promote new material and product development, enhance technical innovation and university-industry cooperation as well as promote accelerate progress for enterprise.